“I would definitely go again and would encourage any pupils to go on the next trip if you enjoy learning a new skill, being adventurous, and spending quality time with friends away from School.”

– Oswestry School Pupil

A school trip is the chance to challenge students to grow outside their comfort zone and learn new skills. This is integral in a child’s education by creating a safe environment for them to work as a team and flourish in supportive surroundings.

power of school trips

Increases a child’s sense of independence

A school trip offers pupils well-rounded life experiences contributing to a student’s wider world perspective. The chance to broaden your student’s perspectives is incredibly worthwhile, the more diverse surroundings they experience the more equipped they will be for future endeavors.

power of school trips

Strengthens the curriculum

Educational trips, like our Pompeii or Rome trips, are great ways at making the topic exciting and memorable. Everyone learns differently, a school trip brings the classroom to life in a new environment and gives students the chance to experience experimental learning and perhaps retain knowledge in a way they never have previously. A school trip promotes critical thinking and pushes students to take their learning into their own hands.

power of school trips

Increases motivation

A school trip is a great way of motivating your students, by providing them with a reward to work towards it can help keep them focused on achieving. It can also help keep some students in line, who may need that little extra push, by giving them something to behave for. If you are struggling to get enough students signed up to your course a school trip is a great way to encourage pupils.

power of school trips

Boost self-confidence

The opportunity to try new things is a catalyst in boosting the self-confidence of students, by allowing them to benefit from challenging themselves. It also gives students the chance to build on their bonds with each other and develop their relationship with staff.

“As staff whilst we know all of our pupils, it has been wonderful to get the opportunity to get to know individuals better. To see pupils shine outside of the classroom, to grow in their independence away from home, and watch each and every one of them achieve.” – Sophie Suckley (Oswestry School)

Discover the benefits of a school trip yourself by booking a trip of a lifetime for you and your students!


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