“Do you need to be able to ski to lead a school ski trip?”

Whilst a lot of teachers who run the school ski trip have skied on a number of occasions, at Activ4 we beleive that the ability to ski isn’t the main ingredient for successful party leaders.

School Ski TripIn fact it could be argued that by being at the same stage as those students who are navigating through the sensory overload during the initial stages of learning to ski, you get a true perspective on a school ski trip.

So if being able to ski isn’t one of the main ingredients for the party leader of a school ski trip, then what are? Well that is the great thing about teachers organising a school ski trip, the main ingredients are the same ones that make successful teachers, the ability to organise, an engaging personality, a professional perspective and a sense of humour.

Some of the most enjoyable trips are those where the party leader is really sharing the experience with the students. The amazing feeling the first time you start moving on ski’s, the sense of achievement as a slide becomes a turn. To share in the physical nature of learning to ski and snowboard means that you are able to relate to the impact all these new undertakings are having on those around you.

School Ski TripIf you aren’t a skier or a boarder then you may be interested to read a previous article on ‘3 Things you need to know about school ski trips’ This offers an opinion on what to look for when choosing a resort that is suited to your needs when you are taking a school party. There are a few simple tips on what to look for and how to make the most of your time.

The great joy of taking a school ski trip is the sheer buzz that it creates. Inspirational is an overused term but arriving in the mountains and taking in the spectacular scenery is a world away from the way the majority of us live our lives. For many it leaves an indelible imprint which alters perspectives, goals and dreams.



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